I have several UBEE to whom I can change the password and the SSID of the wifi using the OIDs "." and ". 4684. " after sending the SET commands with a GET I see them in the modem but they are not applied. Do I need an OID as an APPLY signal? What OID is it? Can you help me, please?
Without the MIB file it will be difficult to answer. If it is part of a table, it is likely you have to "activate" the row. But there literally could be several mechanisms whereby the SSID is changed. Without the MIB file it will be difficult to know which mechanism they chose. Here is a few of the many mechanisms they could have used: https://www.webnms.com/snmp/help/snmpapi/snmpv3/table_handling/snmptable...
iso. set i to 1
Para realizar el cambio de contraseña wifi y asì mismo el nombre te recomiendo esta pagina https://configurar-router.com/ubee/cambiar-contrasena-modem-ubee/
Hi pldguezv,{INDEX SSID} s NameOfSSID
where INDEX SSID is the number of SSID that you are going to change and NameOfSSID is the string of new name
The list of index in UBEE is 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 in 2.4 Ghz and 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 to 5Ghz SSID
To see all index and SSID names: snmpwalk -v 2c -c "yourcomunity" ipModem