Hi all,
currently i need to get a software that is able to plot SNR, TX graphs over a period of time. Best if it could do ping plots as well.
SNMP can do it but it's data only limited to 2hrs only.
Anyone got any to recommend?
Hi all,
currently i need to get a software that is able to plot SNR, TX graphs over a period of time. Best if it could do ping plots as well.
SNMP can do it but it's data only limited to 2hrs only.
Anyone got any to recommend?
anything simpler?
bcos im using windows and it requires perl to work
even i get it working i would have to install all the pcs in my workplace for them :(
maybe the Fronted Cacti: http://www.cacti.net/
There can you make a homepage where al PCs can visit. It makes sense to use one machine to get the values from the CMTS instead many machines make a lot of management-traffic.
solarwinds...is the best tool for your inquiry
shiryo wrote:anything simpler?
bcos im using windows and it requires perl to work
even i get it working i would have to install all the pcs in my workplace for them :(
download perl from ActiveState http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/?src=freeASPN&type=txt&X=45&campaign=APE
My solution is python + rrdtool for python.
If you wanna detail setting up env..., please mail to me!
Example in below:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import string
import time
import binascii
import rrdtool
from pysnmpclass import snmpclass
from oraclass import ORA
if len(sys.argv)!=2:
print '[Parameter]: CMTS-ID'+chr(10)
cmts_ip = sys.argv[1]
cmts_id = sys.argv[1]
snmp_ip = cmts_ip
itemSQL = "select oid,ip_type,v_type,monitor from cm_measure_item order by id"
listSQL = "select mac,cm_mac,ip,cmts_ip from cm_measure_list where end_date is null and cmts_id='"+cmts_id+"' order by cmts_id,mac"
oracon = ORA('xxx/xxxxx@DBLINK')
if not oracon:
print "[Oracle Info]: Can't open database"+chr(10)
rst = oracon.execall(itemSQL)
if rst is None:
print "[Oracle Info]: Querying item empty"+chr(10)
elif len(rst)==0:
if len(rst)>0:
item_cnt = 0
for aw in rst:
oid_arr[item_cnt] = aw[0]
iptype_arr[item_cnt] = aw[1]
vtype_arr[item_cnt] = aw[2]
monitor_arr[item_cnt] = aw[3]
item_cnt = item_cnt+1
rst = oracon.execall(listSQL)
if rst is None:
print "[Oracle Info]: Querying list empty"+chr(10)
elif len(rst)<=0:
print 'No Record...'
if len(rst)>0:
list_cnt = 0
for aw in rst:
lstmac_arr[list_cnt] = aw[0]
lstcmmac_arr[list_cnt] = aw[1]
lstip_arr[list_cnt] = aw[2]
lstcmtsip_arr[list_cnt] = aw[3]
lstvul_arr[list_cnt] = {}
for i in range(0,item_cnt):
if vtype_arr[i]=='INT':
lstvul_arr[list_cnt][i] = 0
elif vtype_arr[i]=='STRING':
lstvul_arr[list_cnt][i] = ''
lstvul_arr[list_cnt][i] = None
list_cnt = list_cnt+1
if list_cnt<=0:
print 'No Record...'
def snmpget(agt, oidx, ptr, comm):
global oid_arr,snmp_ip
if ptr is not None:
OID_P = "%s%s" % (oid_arr[oidx], ptr)
OID_P = oid_arr[oidx]
print snmp_ip,OID_P
MAC_RET = agt.snmpget([snmp_ip,'-c',comm,OID_P])
return None
if MAC_RET is not None:
return MAC_RET[0][1]
return None
def clear_lst(idx):
global item_cnt,lstvul_arr,vtype_arr
for i in range(0,item_cnt):
if vtype_arr[i]=='INT':
lstvul_arr[idx][i] = 0
elif vtype_arr[i]=='STRING':
lstvul_arr[idx][i] = ''
def measure_list(agt, idx):
global snmp_ip,cmts_ip,lstvul_arr
mac = lstcmmac_arr[idx]
snmp_ip = cmts_ip
mac_b = binascii.unhexlify(mac)
mac1 = ord(mac_b[0])
mac2 = ord(mac_b[1])
mac3 = ord(mac_b[2])
mac4 = ord(mac_b[3])
mac5 = ord(mac_b[4])
mac6 = ord(mac_b[5])
mac_mib = "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d" % (mac1,mac2,mac3,mac4,mac5,mac6)
vul[0] = snmpget(agt,0,mac_mib, 'public')
if vul[0] is None or vul[0]=='':
return -1
mac_ptr = "%d" % (vul[0])
vul[1] = lstip_arr[idx]
lstvul_arr[idx][0] = vul[0]
lstvul_arr[idx][1] = vul[1]
for i in range(2,item_cnt):
if monitor_arr[i]!='O':
if iptype_arr[i]=='CMTS':
snmp_ip = cmts_ip
vul[i] = snmpget(agt,i,mac_ptr,'public')
elif iptype_arr[i]=='CM':
if vul[2]!=6:
if vtype_arr[i]=='INT':
vul[i] = 0
elif vtype_arr[i]=='STRING':
vul[i] = ''
snmp_ip = vul[1]
vul[i] = snmpget(agt,i,None,'public')
elif iptype_arr[i] is not None:
snmp_ip = cmts_ip
vul[i] = snmpget(agt,i,vul[string.atoi(iptype_arr[i])-1],'public')
lstvul_arr[idx][i] = vul[i]
return 1
agent = snmpclass(version='v2c',community='public')
for i in range(0,list_cnt):
relt = measure_list(agent, i)
rrdname = '/home/cmnms/rrd_b/%s_basic.rrd' % (lstcmmac_arr[i])
png0name = '/home/cmnms/rrd_b/%s_power_s.png' % (lstcmmac_arr[i])
png1name = '/home/cmnms/rrd_b/%s_power.png' % (lstcmmac_arr[i])
png2name = '/home/cmnms/rrd_b/%s_traffic.png' % (lstcmmac_arr[i])
png3name = '/home/cmnms/rrd_b/%s_traffic_mta.png' % (lstcmmac_arr[i])
if not os.path.exists(rrdname):
rrdtool.create(rrdname, '--step', '300', \
'DS:US_SNR:GAUGE:600:U:U', \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:603', \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:603','RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:603', \
if 1:
upds = 'N:'
if lstvul_arr[i][2] is not None:
upds = upds+('%d:'%lstvul_arr[i][2])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][3] is not None:
upds = upds+('%.2f:'%lstvul_arr[i][3])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][17] is not None:
upds = upds+('%.2f:'%lstvul_arr[i][17])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][18] is not None:
upds = upds+('%.2f:'%lstvul_arr[i][18])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][30] is not None:
upds = upds+('%d:'%lstvul_arr[i][30])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][33] is not None:
upds = upds+('%d:'%lstvul_arr[i][33])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][65] is not None and lstvul_arr[i][65]!='':
upds = upds+('%d:'%lstvul_arr[i][65])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][68] is not None and lstvul_arr[i][68]!='':
upds = upds+('%d:'%lstvul_arr[i][68])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN:'
if lstvul_arr[i][77] is not None and lstvul_arr[i][77]!='':
upds = upds+('%d'%lstvul_arr[i][77])
upds = upds+'UNKNOWN'
print lstcmmac_arr[i],'-',upds
rrdtool.update(rrdname, upds)
tme = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H-%M-%S", time.localtime())
rrdtool.graph(png0name, \
'--end','now','--start','end-43200s','-w','120','-h','60', \
'--slope-mode', \
'--x-grid','HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H', \
'DEF:ds1='+rrdname+':STATUS:AVERAGE','DEF:sds2='+rrdname+':CMTX_PWR:AVERAGE', \
'DEF:sds3='+rrdname+':CMRX_PWR:AVERAGE', \
'CDEF:ds2=sds2,10,/','CDEF:ds3=sds3,10,/', \
'AREA:ds1#40FF40:', \
rrdtool.graph(png1name, \
'--end','now','--start','end-172800s','-w','500','-h','180', \
'-v','CM RF Power','--slope-mode', \
'--x-grid','HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H', \
'--title','CM RF Power Monitor per 5 mins', \
'DEF:ds1='+rrdname+':STATUS:AVERAGE','DEF:sds2='+rrdname+':CMTX_PWR:AVERAGE', \
'DEF:sds3='+rrdname+':CMRX_PWR:AVERAGE', \
'DEF:ds4='+rrdname+':PWR_LVL:AVERAGE', \
'DEF:sds5='+rrdname+':US_SNR:AVERAGE', \
'CDEF:ds2=sds2,10,/','CDEF:ds3=sds3,10,/', \
'CDEF:ds5=sds5,10,/', \
'AREA:ds2#C0C0FF:CM US-PWR', 'LINE1:ds2#4040A0:',
'AREA:ds1#40FF40:CM Status', \
'LINE2:ds3#A000A0:CM DS-PWR', \
'LINE1:ds1#008000:', \
'LINE2:ds4#0080C0:CmtsCmStatusRxPower', \
'LINE1:ds5#C00000:CmtsCmStatusSNR', \
'COMMENT: Last Updated '+tme)
rrdtool.graph(png2name, \
'--end','now','--start','end-172800s','-w','500','-h','180', \
'-v','CM Traffic(bits)','--slope-mode', \
'--x-grid','HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H', \
'--title','CM Traffic Monitor per 5 mins', \
'DEF:sds1='+rrdname+':ETH_RX:AVERAGE','DEF:sds2='+rrdname+':ETH_TX:AVERAGE', \
'CDEF:ds1=sds1,8,*,0,8640000,LIMIT','CDEF:ds2=sds2,8,*,0,8640000,LIMIT', \
#'CDEF:ds1=sds1,8,*','CDEF:ds2=sds2,8,*', \
'AREA:ds2#40FF40:Ethernet TX', \
'LINE1:ds1#0000FF:Ethernet RX', \
'LINE1:ds2#008000:', \
'COMMENT: Last Updated '+tme)
rrdtool.graph(png3name, \
'--end','now','--start','end-172800s','-w','500','-h','180', \
'-v','MTA Traffic(bits)','--slope-mode', \
'--x-grid','HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H', \
'--title','MTA Traffic Monitor per 5 mins', \
'DEF:sds3='+rrdname+':MTA_RX:AVERAGE','DEF:sds4='+rrdname+':MTA_TX:AVERAGE', \
'CDEF:ds3=sds3,8,*,0,8640000,LIMIT','CDEF:ds4=sds4,8,*,0,8640000,LIMIT', \
'AREA:ds4#FFFF80:MTA TX', \
'LINE1:ds3#A000A0:MTA RX', \
'LINE1:ds4#808020:', \
'COMMENT: Last Updated '+tme)
# for j in range(0,item_cnt):
# if monitor_arr[j]!='O' and j>1:
# continue
# if vtype_arr[j]=='INT':
# print "%d," % (lstvul_arr[i][j]),
# elif vtype_arr[j]=='STRING':
# print "%s," % (lstvul_arr[i][j]),
# print ''
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