In 1977, I started working for a cable tv company. I was a field technician until 1997, when I was asked to help maintain our headend. We had started offering cable modem service in 94 or 95, with the Zenith HomeWorks stuff, 500k up and down.Thtat was fun. Then, late 97- early 98, we got our first ubr7246. This baby was fully populated with 4 1x6B linecards (the B stood for Beta) and we never looked back!
Now, we have 23 cbr8's and are veering off into many optical wavelengths. This is not the cable tv I worked on in 1977!
Anyway, at the end of February, after 48 years, I am retiring, and won't be doing much on this site any longer. I will probably log in from time to time and feel nostalgic (or maybe not!,) but I'd like to thank everyone here for helping not only me when I had questions, but everyone else as well! You guys are the greatest!
Old Docsis Guy
Hey Old Docsis Guy.. years ago I'm the one asking about a cuckoo channel. shows my age as well.
Appreciate you for helping others in the group. I also started with a Zenith Homeworks and seen many changes, worked with people who shaped what we work with today.
Enjoy your well earned retirement and thank you for sharing
Ah yeah, the cuckoo channel! Got tired of hearing that on my truck radio!
A few people have been asking me to write a book. Was at a BCAP gathering and told stories from way back, I enjoyed it tremendously, and the group that gathered around to listen did as well, a couple of them gave me the idea to write a book. We'll have to see about that...