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Problems with tftp config files

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Anonymous (not verified)
Problems with tftp config files

sorry for my English, I am of Argentinean and I have difficulties with the language.
I have a problem, the cable modems takes the configuration file they get up but when I prove the speed it doesn't correspond with the limitations of speed of the files in the tftp, example next

NetworkAccess 1;
ClassID 1;
MaxRateDown 1000;
MaxRateUp 10000;
PriorityUp 1;
GuaranteedUp 10000;
MaxBurstUp 0;
PrivacyEnable 0;
MaxCPE 16;


This file I add him the key and the cable modems they get up but the speed would have to be of downstream 1000 kbits/s, but it doesn't exist it limits in the down. I wait it has not been very extensive.

Problems with tftp config files

MaxRateDown 1000 means that you have limited the downstream of CM to 1000 bit/s or around 1kb/s. To make it 1 Mbps you have to put the value MaxRateDown 1024000;

Also check the QoS profiles on your CMTS, becouse it could have Statcic QoS profiles that could accept only fixed rates, for example 128, 256, 512 Kbps ....

Anonymous (not verified)
Thanks, astrit

Thank you for answer, a pleasure in knowing you.
I think that modifying this file the changes take effect, sorry for my ignorance.
The cmts is not very well-known, it is mark coaxial network this runs with an operating system qnx (real time) unix based.
As ckeck the QoS profiles in my CMTS.
Coaxial Networks Web Page
They (Coaxial Networks) say what limit the traffic from the firewall of the provisioning, but this makes me think that the resources in rf are not being limited by QOS RF.
if is necesari i send pdf characteristics

Thanks very much

Anonymous (not verified)
This is the cmts file?

// hepconfig.txt - sample head end prototype configuration file.

// rules:
// 1) "//" C++ style comment text is ignored by config file reader.
// 2) settings groups must be ordered as follows:
// HeadEndMgrSettings for the application (there is (1) and only (1)
// HeadEndMgr per application)
// CONFIG_UpstreamChan
// 3) context with respect to class-in-progress is indicated by strings
// w/format
// such as
// BEGIN_HeadEndMgrSettings - indicates begining of HeadEndMgrSettings
// END_HeadEndMgrSettings - indicates end of HeadEndMgrSettings
// 4) data member names and values are indicated by strings w/format
// =
// the spaces between "> = <" are important!
// example:
// us_chan_id = 1
// 5) integer 's may be in normal C/C++ decimal or hex format.
// 6) For lines with multiple input values
// (HeadEndMgrSettings::auth_str is an examples), enter (8)
// values separated by spaces on each line. For the last line, enter
// all the values that exist, up to 8.
// 7) HeadEndMgrSettings::auth_str is a special case hassle since each
// is an array of bytes which may include unprintable characters,
// i.e. it cannot be represented by a character string.
// 8) Maximum length of input line is 80 characters.

// set _debugN to a non-zero value to activate debug logging for level N
_debug0 = 0 // downstream data headers (DsDataHDR) and PDU's (DsDataPDU)
_debug1 = 0 // counting pattern of Rx packets to console
// logs NetUsData and NetDsData to disk
_debug2 = 0 // logs RawUS packets to disk
_debug3 = 0
_debug4 = 0 // ranging, registration, upstream channel change messages
_debug5 = 0 // interesting maps
_debug6 = 0 // interesting ucd's
_debug7 = 0 // all maps & ucd's
_debug8 = 0 // map timer event timestamps
_debug9 = 0 // CM config file generation, CMTS MIC computation
_debug10 = 0 // baseline privacy message exchanges
_debug11 = 0 // print PHY overhead tables to log file
_debug12 = 0 // do not delete sid on ranging timeout error
_debug13 = 0 // DSx message exchanges
_debug14 = 0 // CMTS SNMP output to console
_debug15 = 0 // detailed ranging debug info

// maximum size of debug output file, in bytes. function logBuffer()
// will perform action specified by oflow_action setting shortly after
// this limit is exceeded.
max_log_file_size_bytes = 4000000

// action to take after log file size limit is exceeded.
// 0 == wrap back to beginning and overwrite.
// 1 == close log file and stop logging.
oflow_action = 0


ds_chan_id = 0
hw_map_timer_period_microsec = 2000
im_map_timer_period_millisec = 2000 // send map w/IM region every 2000 millisec
periodic_rng_timer_period_sec = 15 // start periodic ranging interval every
// 15 seconds.
ucd_timer_period_millisec = 2000 // send UCD downstream every 2000 millisec

// UNFINISHED - make sure we are using a legal CMTS MAC address!
cmts_mac_addr = 0x00 0x11 0x77 0x43 0x00 0x03

len_auth_str = 0
auth_str = 0
// This is for "DOCSIS", the string that will be used at the DOCSIS 1.1 interop testing.
// There is no '\0' at the end of the string.
//len_auth_str = 6
//auth_str = 0x44 0x4f 0x43 0x53 0x49 0x53

qos_rules_in_effect = 0 // default = 0 = NOT in effect
strict_reg_ack = 0 // default = 0 = NOT strict REG-ACK
desired_max_cm_on_ds_chan = 0xffff // max number of CM's on the Downstream
other_ds_freq_hz = 369000000 // frequency of other Downstream Channel

// if this is 1, only range modems listed in modems.txt
cm_validate = 0

// list the Type codes which are relevant to the CMTS MIC computation,
// in the order specified in Appendix D. of the RFI spec.
cmts_mic_type = 1
cmts_mic_type = 2
cmts_mic_type = 3
cmts_mic_type = 4
cmts_mic_type = 17
cmts_mic_type = 43
cmts_mic_type = 6
cmts_mic_type = 18
cmts_mic_type = 19
cmts_mic_type = 20
cmts_mic_type = 22
cmts_mic_type = 23
cmts_mic_type = 24
cmts_mic_type = 25
cmts_mic_type = 28
cmts_mic_type = 29
cmts_mic_type = 26

// configure UpstreamChan 1 @ 10MHz frequency, with parameters in file
// config/us3137/qpsk_1280k.cfg
// DC1100 has 1 upstream only
CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 23625000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_2560k.cfg
CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 2 33625000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_2560k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 2 35500000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_320k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 25000000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_1280k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_2560k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_640k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_320k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_160k.cfg

//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 26000000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_2560k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_1280k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_640k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_320k.cfg
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 1 10000000 /cmts/config/us3137/q16d_160k.cfg

// configure UpstreamChan 2 @ 13.2MHz frequency, with parameters in file
// DC1200 has 2 upstream channels
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 2 13200000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_1280k.cfg

// configure UpstreamChan 3 @ 16.4MHz frequency, with parameters in file
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 3 16400000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_1280k.cfg

// configure UpstreamChan 4 @ 19.6MHz frequency, with parameters in file
//CONFIG_UpstreamChan = 4 19600000 /cmts/config/us3137/qpsk_1280k.cfg

// initialize named service classes from ascii input files
//CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ATT_VoIP_Upstream.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/rtp_us.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_10ms_148bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_10ms_78bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_10ms_84bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_10ms_88bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_20ms_228bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_20ms_88bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_20ms_100bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_20ms_108bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_30ms_308bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_30ms_98bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_30ms_116bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_30ms_128bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_40ms_388bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_40ms_108bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_40ms_132bytes.cfg
CONFIG_NamedServiceClass = 0 /cmts/config/svc_class/ugs_us_40ms_148bytes.cfg

auth_life_time_sec = 604800 // spec value = 604800, lab value = 240
tek_life_time_sec = 43200 // spec value = 43200, lab value = 120
tek_grace_time_sec = 600 // spec value = 600, lab value = 60
event_timer_tick_sec = 30 // spec value = N/A, lab value = 30
// copy cmts_mac_addr from HeadEndMgrSettings

NumUsBDs = 512 // default = 32
NumDsMsgBDs = 512 // default = 32
NumDsDataBDs = 2048 // default = 32
NumIpBuffers = 1024 // default = 64
MaxPciDmaSize = 0x80 // default = 32
UpdateFirstParticleLast = 1 // default = 1 (true)
DirectModeDma = 0 // default = 1 (true)
PackedPart = 0 // default = 0 (false), 1 Particle per packet
PackedPartOffset = 12 // default = 0, offset for header length in Packed Particle
NumFragmentHeaders = 48 // default = 32, Headers used for fragmentation re-assembly

// board configuration:
// 0 = BOARD_BCM93209 - (currently supported via separate compile option only)
// 1 = BOARD_BCM93210_WITH_BCM3136
// 2 = BOARD_BCM93210_WITH_BCM93137
// 3 = BOARD_BCM93210_4x1_BCM3137 (default)
board_config = 3 // default = 3 (BOARD_BCM93210_4x1_BCM3137)
leds_on = 1 // default = 1 (Power LEDs=1, GPIO test mode=0)

// SPI CLK Divider:
// SPI clock frequency = LCLK/(spiClkDivider * 2)
// Default = 0x10
// typical values:
// BCM3210 - 0x10
// BCM3209 - 0x16
spiClkDivider = 0x10 // use 0x10 for BCM3210, 0x16 for BCM3209

// syncRate:
// Downstream sync rate in msec (default 10 ms)
syncRate = 10 // DS sync rate (msec) (default=10ms)

// max number of simultaneously queued map timer events (default = 1)
MaxQueuedMapTimerEvents = 1

// Downstream settings for BCM3033 (Ds3033Settings)
// (nested within MacSettings)
// Downstream QAM mode 64 for 30Mbps and 256 for 40Mbps
//qam_mode = 64
qam_mode = 256

interleaverDepth = 32 // interleaver depth
annex = 0x0b // annex a:0x0a, annexb:0x0b mode (default:0x0b)
//symbolRate = 5056941
symbolRate = 5360537
ifFreq = 44000000 // default=44000000 (Hz)

//interleaverDepth = 12 // interleaver depth
//ifmtctl = 0x60 // UNCOMMENT FOR 256QAM/6.952MBaud
//symbolRate = 6952000
//annex = 0x0a // annex a:0x0a, annexb:0x0b mode (default:0x0b)
//ifFreq = 36125000 // default=44000000 (Hz)
//ifFreq = 44000000 // default=44000000 (Hz)

// Reference clock for Map Timer
// LCLK Freq = 33000000 (Hz) (default) BCM3210
// use LCLK = 20480000 (Hz) for BCM3209 (FPGA)
lclkFreq = 33000000 // LCLK ref freq

// the following should be provided in eeprom of PLX per BCM3210 board
// (note: if not specified in aeprom, configuration parameters are used)
// refFreq = 20480000 (Hz) (default)
// oscMultFactor = 6 (default)
refFreq = 28500000 // default=20480000 (Hz) use default for FPGA boards

// oscMultFactor (default=6)
// for BCM3210 use:
// refFreq (MHz) MultFactor
// ------------- ----------
// 114.0 1
// 28.5 4
// 28.322 4
// 20.48 6
oscMultFactor = 4 // comment out or use 6 for FPGA boards


// If FPGA board (BCM3209) specify the following parameters
// (note: you may comment this section out if using BCM3210,
// since defaults are set for BCM3210 normal downstream)
ofmtctl = 0x89 // 64 qam = 0x89, 256 qam = 0x19 (see bcm3033 spec)




Bridging = 0 // Bridging mode enabled
AllowBroadcastLearning = 1 // default = 1 (true)
//AllowMulticastLearning = 1
NetLoopbackMode = 0 // default = 0 (false)

// nested NetProtocolType objects. maximum of 8...
TypeField1 = 8 // default = 8 (IP)
TypeField2 = 0 // default = 0 (ALL)
TypeLength = 1 // default = 1

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