problem with arris dg860A WAN Management |

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problem with arris dg860A WAN Management

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James Olson
problem with arris dg860A WAN Management

I am trying to set a dg806G CM so that I can manage the CM either through telnet or http on the WAN side of the modem.

I have a added
arrisCmDevHttpWanAccess advanced
arrisCmDevTelnetEnable pemEnable
arrisCmDevTelnetAllow Allow

and can not get in either with telnet or http. Am I missing something?

The DG860 (and TG862) are

The DG860 (and TG862) are DOCSIS 3.0 devices, you need to use the Doc30 variants of those MIBs.

By itself, "arrisCmDoc30AccessHttpWan enable" should do the trick

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