New SB141 Not Connecting... |

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New SB141 Not Connecting...

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New SB141 Not Connecting...

We have a Cisco 7200P CMTS with Version 12.2(33)SCD5 iOS.

We're using DoxControl as our provisioning software.

None of the new SB6141 will not connect to our CMTS. Anyone else have these issues?

re not connecting

the Sb6141 isn't new, it's an 8x4 bonding modem, but will work on older non docsis 3.0 cmts's.
how far does the modem get? range completed and not getting an ip address or doesn't even range? I've not worked on a cisco 7200P, but if other modems are working and these modems get as far init (d), then it's a dox control issue


Hi KimchiGUN,

Hi KimchiGUN,

I had some older SB6xxx modems in my lab a few years back on a Cisco UBR10K, and they had something similar. I eventually figured out that to get them to stay online, I had to disable a feature by using the factory MIBs. I don't recall the OID off the top of my head, but it was something like DOCSIS3MODE or something like that.

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