I'm a new user on this forum.
I purchased CMTS 1000 used device from Nortel Networks manufacturer and I wasn't provided with needed software LCn provisioning server. Can someone help me to find this software or give me a link.
Are there some useful tutorials outthere for CMTS 1000, and can this device be manageable only via serial cable?
I could use your help because it is expected from me to operate this device and to be honest I don't know from where to start.
I have a CMTS 1000 Arris in running here. The provisioning part I am also with problem the new server configuration. The cmts configuration I did without problem. Here I use a basic config (frequency down and up, power of out, bandwidth)
For set the cmts do you can use the serial port or ethernet port (telnet).
The first time that I connected I used the serial port. I configured the ip of cmts and after I used telnet.
I have the manual of Arris CMTS 1000. Tell me what your email for I send you.
Please sorry me for my "google english"
You can send me the manual on muharem@mediasky.ba and thank you for this.
I didn't even config my CMTS 1000 jet. I am looking for a best way to do this. I taught I will achieve this with provisionig software. It also seems that it has issues with compatibility. I will try serial but from winxp.
Can you mail me your skype name also, I would like to speak more details with you.