Please answer me this:
Our internet department is telling me that we are needing to swap modems out because of bad ethernet ports on the SB5101 series modems. Is this a common thing with this type of modem?
Please let me know your experience in regards to this
That seems like a pretty strange complaint. I've worked for years with 5120's and 5101's and never heard of that particular problem. Weird-
I've only seen dead ethernet ports occasionally, usually after a lightning storm. And even then it affects all models/brands equally. Not SB5101 in particular.
What do they mean when they say the ports are bad? The modem is online but no ethernet link?
One gotcha with SB5101 is the standby button. Plenty of times I've had customers bring their in modem saying its not working, and if you power their modem up it is in standby mode. Customer has pressed the standby button and not understood/realised. Some helpdesk staff fail to check for this also when troubleshooting over the phone. We had to modify our helpdesk page that polls modem levels etc to also display standby status. If the modem is in standby then print a warning in big red text.
And for some of our business plans we modified the cm config file to disable the standby button. No need for business customers to ever put their modem in standby.
I agree with mbowe i had the same problem with dead ethernet ports after a lightning storm.
no any other problems with motorola ever.
same here