image Upgrade/Downgrade taking more than 2hr |

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image Upgrade/Downgrade taking more than 2hr

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image Upgrade/Downgrade taking more than 2hr

Hi Team

We are using in our Lab BSR Euro-8*4 CMTS, all are using same config file, for all it is taking 5 to 7 minute to upgrade/downgrade an image, but from my location it is taking almost 3 hour. So what might be the problem,I have checked with all Euro CMTS, changed the RFC feed also,but still now the same problem. Please tell me the solution for this, and this I m facing now on wards,before that it was fine.

How to change the upgrade/downgrade speed from arris config file ?


re: Image

Can you confirm what you mean by image? are you talking about going from one release like 5.4.3 to 6.4.2 on the cmts?
Does this also include bootrom upgrades?
How are the files transferred from your location to the others?
What connection do you have from your location to the others?


It isn't clear if you are

It isn't clear if you are talking about CMTS image, or CM image

If CMTS image, you might be able use to FTP protocol rather than TFTP. Generally FTP will be much faster.

If CM image, many TFTP servers and clients can be tweaked to support larger block sizes. The default block size for TFTP is small (something like 512 bytes from memory), causing transfers to run very slowly. Typically you can tweak this up to a larger number like 1400 which makes the transfers much faster.


Good point mbowe, most tftp servers are somewhat close. but have had someone who had issues with modem firmware upgrade and when I looked closer into it, the tftp server was something like a three hour flight away and only a 10Mb connection. when you have about 2k modems trying to do a firmware upgrade, yes.. it will take a very long time.
clarification is needed if we're talking cmts via ftp and how far away is the server and speed between both points or modem firmware and distance between server and cmts as well as connection speed


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