Hi Folks,
Could anybody tell me the result types for docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialSvcState?
I'm struggling through mibs and stuff finding out which partialmode will be what number.
Feel free to bash me if I didn't read well enough, I'll immediately confess I'm limited :-)
Per the Cable Labs mibs there are only 3
Name: docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode
Full path: iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).private(4).enterprises(1).cableLabs(4491).clabProject(2).clabProjDocsis(1).docsIf31Mib(28).docsIf31MibObjects(1).docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusTable(4).docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry(1).docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode(11)
Module: DOCS-IF31-MIB
Parent: docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry
Prev sibling: docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRangingStatus
Next sibling: docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcTime
Numerical syntax: Integer (32 bit)
Base syntax: INTEGER
Composed syntax: PartialSvcReasonType
Status: current
Max access: read-only [r--]
Value list (TC): 1: none(0)
2: secondaryChanMddTimeout(1)
3: lostFecLock(2)
Description: This attribute returns the current CM-STATUS Event Code which
indicates the reason that this CM is experiencing Partial Service
with a bonding group utilizing this upstream OFDMA channel. A
value of 0 indicates that the CM is not currently experiencing
Partial Service involving this OFDMA channel.
Name: docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode
Full path: iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).private(4).enterprises(1).cableLabs(4491).clabProject(2).clabProjDocsis(1).docsIf31Mib(28).docsIf31MibObjects(1).docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusTable(6).docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry(1).docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode(1)
Module: DOCS-IF31-MIB
Parent: docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry
Next sibling: docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcTime
Numerical syntax: Integer (32 bit)
Base syntax: INTEGER
Composed syntax: PartialSvcReasonType
Status: current
Max access: read-only [r--]
Value list (TC): 1: none(0)
2: secondaryChanMddTimeout(1)
3: lostFecLock(2)
Description: This attribute returns the current CM-STATUS Event Code
which indicates the reason that this CM is experiencing
Partial Service with a bonding group utilizing this downstream
OFDM channel. A value of 0 indicates that the CM is not
currently experiencing Partial Service involving this OFDM channel.
CMTS vendors are free to define more. Casa has the following:
Name: casaCMTSPartialServiceReasonCode
Full path: iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).private(4).enterprises(1).casa(20858).casaMgmt(10).casaDocsisObject(101).casaPartialServiceMIB(12).casaPartialServiceObjects(1).casaCMTSPartialSerivceTable(1).casaCMTSPartialSerivceEntry(1).casaCMTSPartialServiceReasonCode(2)
Parent: casaCMTSPartialSerivceEntry
Prev sibling: casaCMTSPartialServiceTime
Next sibling: casaCMTSPartialServiceReason
Numerical syntax: Integer (32 bit)
Base syntax: INTEGER
Composed syntax: CasaPartialServiceReasonCode
Status: current
Max access: read-only [r--]
Value list (TC): 1: none(0)
2: mddTimeout(1)
3: lostFecLock(2)
4: badTcc(3)
5: badRcc(4)
6: regAck(5)
7: dbcRsp(6)
8: trPowerBad(7)
9: ncpProfileFail(8)
10: impairedChannel(9)
11: unreachable(10)
12: rangeTimeout(11)
13: rangingFailure(12)
14: lostFecLockOnPlc(13)
15: dsOfdmProfileFail(14)
16: dpdMismatch(15)
17: cliChanFail(16)
Description: Modem's partial service reason code.
Ah, indeed didn't read CL's mib spec, just looked into Observiums doc-if31 tree, that stops at 9, which brought the confusion.
a walk using this OID makes much sense with the actual status.
Thanks so much!