How config Call Management Server(CMA) for the eMTA |

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How config Call Management Server(CMA) for the eMTA

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How config Call Management Server(CMA) for the eMTA

Hi all:
I am testing Motorola SBV5220. I learn a lot of knowledges from this forum,so that help the eMTA's dhcp process and tftp process completed.
But I don't know what should do then…I think I should let the eMTA to know the Call Management Server,but how can I?
I am using Basic Flow (BASIC.1) ,this without the provisioning complete SNMP INFORM.
I can't find what should I do from the PKT-SP-PROV-C01-071129. Can anyone help me?

Thanks regards.

tabular object cann't set

I find SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId indicate the call agent(CA/CMS) name,
But that is tabular object, and the pktcNcsEndPntConfigEntry’s INDEX is ifIndex ,what is the ifIndex? I know ifIndex for CM each interface,but I don't know the ifIndex for eMTA...
These followed SnmpMibObjects are Required in the eMTA configuration file for BASIC.1 FLOW, referenced PKT-SP-PROV-C01-071129.
1- pktcMtaDevEnabled,
2- pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId,
3- pktcMtaDevCmsKerbRealmName,
4- pktcMtaDevRealmOrgName,
5- pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash
If 1 and 5 included in my configfile, the tftp processing has completed.
But if the configfile include 2,3,4(one or more),tftp processing status is ERROR, and the Log is "4000950906 Configuration File Error- Bad Linkage".
This means Table linkages in the configuration file could not be resolved.
My configuration file like this:
MtaConfigDelimiter 1;
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1;
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId.16 String "TEST@JHVOIP.COM";
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevCmsKerbRealmName.'JHVOIP.COM' String "00:19:5E:FF:5D:FE";
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevRealmOrgName.'REALM.COM' String "TEST";
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash.0 HexString 0xee7e80da7e7d646c45be8ccb75a7ca5363f06406;
MtaConfigDelimiter 255;
How can I set the SNMP tabular object ?


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