Or, if you need the OIDs:
. Integer 1; /* notAvailable(0),off(1),remote(2),local(3) */
. Integer 1; /* true(1),false(2) */
does anyone has vendor snmp mibs for CBN / Hitron available? We need the OID to perform a factory reset. You can contact me on: hitron.10.emsi (at) neverbox.com
here are the lines to disable WIFI:
SnmpMibObject wifiOperMode.0 Integer 1; /* notAvailable(0),off(1),remote(2),local(3) */
SnmpMibObject wifiApplySettings.0 Integer 1; /* true(1),false(2) */
Or, if you need the OIDs:
. Integer 1; /* notAvailable(0),off(1),remote(2),local(3) */
. Integer 1; /* true(1),false(2) */
Thank you Michael
Guys, kindly assist on how i can configure RIP in the bootfile for Hitron CM. Thank you in advance
Hi to everyone,
does anyone has vendor snmp mibs for CBN / Hitron available? We need the OID to perform a factory reset. You can contact me on: hitron.10.emsi (at) neverbox.com
thanks a lot