Example of CM Reset | docsis.org

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Example of CM Reset

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Example of CM Reset

I am using a linux box to reset some promlematic modems using http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/TUT:snmpset but i keep getting need value when i use the docsisdevresetnow. Is there anyone on the forum that has an e?amle for me to review.?

Is this what you need?

Is this what you need?

snmpset -v1 -c your_write_community x.x.x.x i 1
snmpset -v1 -c your_write_community x.x.x.x DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB::docsDevResetNow.0 i 1

Check with you device support


Be sure to have an access to the OID of the device manufacturer. I've experienced somes issue with stuck modem that the DOCSIS standard don't take care. So keep you a backdoor open ;)

Based on the model of the

Based on the model of the modem, I would check to see what MIBs are supported for that modem. Not everyone is implementing the reset in the same way. Please post the model of the modem and we will take a look for you after that.

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