Thank Goodness I found this forum. I got shoved into this cable modem world and am trying to set up new s/w for provisioning and monitoring to work with our 2 cmts's
To explain our config a little on one cmts we have 2 cards ( 6 ports each) When I look in the cmts config I see the downstream on the 2 cards 3/0 and 4/0 are different 471000000 and 477000000. Does this have to be this way because in my new s/w Docsis service class I see only a place for 1 downstream freq or setting.
Thanks for any help folks, I still have a long way to go
The downstream frequency setting in the config file is optional, if left out the cable modems will range and lock on the first available channel. The purpose of the setting is for the case when you have mulitple downstreams for the same area, and you want some modems on one and others modems on another, the modems will range and find the first available frequency then download the config and if the frequency in the config is different, they will reboot and come up on the assigned frequency.
As to whether you need the different frequencies or not, that is something you would need to ask your plant/spectrum designers. It is possible to have all the downstreams on the same frequency, think of it as sending a different channel to different areas.