CMTS 10k-PRE2 - Report bad value of Downstream Power |

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CMTS 10k-PRE2 - Report bad value of Downstream Power

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CMTS 10k-PRE2 - Report bad value of Downstream Power


I've an issue on our CMTS 10k-PRE2. Strangely, I've some modems they report anormal Downstream Power, as you can see above.

Output of 'show cable modem phy' command.

MAC Address I/F Sid USPwr USMER Timing DSPwr DSMER Mode DOCSIS
1. XXXX.XX36.dcd2 C8/1/2/U1 1248 44.50 36.12 779 - 1.50 38.90 atdma* 1.1
2. XXXX.XX3c.fa5a C8/1/2/U1 1268 48.75 36.12 844 31.80 39.50 atdma* 1.1
3. XXXX.XX8b.1b90 C8/1/2/U2 1480 47.50 36.12 848 - 2.60 40.30 atdma* 1.1
4. XXXX.XX37.394a C8/1/2/U1 2750 44.25 36.12 797 0.30 39.00 atdma* 1.1

The value of Downstream power (DSPwr) on line 2, it's impossible to correspond to the true. This affect modems 3212 and 3925 and we can view this value on CMTS, SNMP and WebGui on the modem.

Have you faced this before ? some fix ?



show cable modem phy

show cable modem phy is snmp polling those stats from the modem.

If the modem has the wrong values, then the cmts will also have the wrong values.

If the values are wrong in the modem gui, it's a problem with the modem. Most likely you need to update the modem firmware.

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