I am newbie in CMTS.
I would configure Arris 1500 cmts and Motorola SB5101i, plan connection:
Router -- CMTS1500 -- SB5101i -- PC. I read both Arris 1500 and SB5101i not support IPv6.
If the router assigned IPv6, can it system work?
Is it possible to configure CMTS & SB5101i as bridge in IPv4 and Client PC get IPv6 from Router?
I would hear from the forum, your idea in order to implement IPv6 in DOCSIS 1.1.
I appreciate for your answer
The CMTS would need to support IPv6, which I'm not sure if the 1500 does. Since CM's are a bridged network, I would say that if the CMTS supports it, then it should be possible. You'd still need to hand out local ipv4's to the cable modems, and your ipv6 could get assigned to the cpe's. But thats all just conjecture, first you'd have to see if the cmts supports ipv6
Is there any have experienced use Arris CMTS 1500 in IPv6 or Dual Stack Ipv6/IPv4 system?
Thanks for Capm.