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ARRIS 1500 problem

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ARRIS 1500 problem

I turn on old CMTS recently. The first week work correctly, but today completely stupefied.
Modems have not logged in. Only few pieces is visible on CMTS. Besides has status "Ranging missed"

I have upgrade firmware 4.3.1 to 4.3.307
I change modulation in DS from QAM265 to QAM64 and in US from QAM16 to QPSK,
but it did not help.

In side RF is all OK.

What else can I do?

Adam P.
adam [dot] plotnicki [monkey]

I'd look for RF plan issues.

I'd look for RF plan issues.
Faulty amplifier, passive component.
If you have HFC plant maybe you get too much upstream power on the lasers?

Problem was broken

Problem was broken down-modulator.
After replacing (cost about $ 1,000) everything is working properly.

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