I'm looking for whats listed as "a private Arris/Motorola MIB, cmConfigDiplexerControl" that can set the internal switchable diplexer in the modem allowing for 5-85 MHz operation.
arrisCmDoc30DiplexerControl (OID .
ARRIS-CM-DOC30-DEVICE-MIB::arrisCmDoc30DiplexerControl.0 = INTEGER: band1(1)
0 = 85 MHz 1 = 204 MHz
You mean this one?
Yes, that one can you send it to me? If so, send it to proairpass at yahoo .com
Nevermind, found that this is embedded in the PacketACE tool.
arrisCmDoc30DiplexerControl (OID .
ARRIS-CM-DOC30-DEVICE-MIB::arrisCmDoc30DiplexerControl.0 = INTEGER: band1(1)
0 = 85 MHz
1 = 204 MHz
You mean this one?
Yes, that one can you send it to me? If so, send it to proairpass at yahoo .com
Nevermind, found that this is embedded in the PacketACE tool.