Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help |

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Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help

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Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help
Image icon Slot 8 CMTS C100G307.16 KB
Image icon RF I / O in the picture I intend to connect in slot 8121.09 KB


I have a C100G Chassis and I want to know if you can use slot 5 and 8 that in the back have a different shape than the rest of the slot

I plan to connect a downstream module in slot 5 and an upstream module in slot 8

attached image of the back of slot 8, it is the same as slot 5.
Next to it is slot 9 and you can see the difference

I attach an image of the RF I / O card of an upstream module.

I want to connect this card in slot 8, to use this slot with an upstream module and to be able to use more upstream ports.

Please help me by saying if this works using slot 8 and 5, with modules similar to those used in the other slots.

I am attentive to your responses, Thanks


Assuming you have 8x96, 8x192

Assuming you have 8x96, 8x192,16x4 or 16x8 cards it should work. There is probably a software version requirement as well I would think 7.x should work.

Typically, Slots 5 and 8 are used with redundancy (in which case you use a LC Switch card). However, you can use them for regular linecards if necessary, I would recommend saving them for last however. While they do work that way and are used that way at several operators, it is not a very common configuration, and is tested in Casa's lab but not extensively in the field where it really matters. The number of chassis deployed that way is probably less than 100, where as number of chassis deployed with slots 5 and 8 for redundancy or unused is easily in the thousands.

Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help

Thanks for your answer

This is the Software version of the SMM cards:

CASA-C100G#show version
Running Image: SMM_2x10G Rel 7.2.4, Ver 2,build59e9, Fri Sep 29 06:42:10 EDT 2017,(relmgr)
Configured boot device: nvram
Image booted from: nvram, File name: ccsi.gz.rel7.2.4.2_build59e9
Casa RMI_BootLdr: Major 12, Minor 4 Build 11

Running Image: SMM_2x10G Rel 7.2.4, Ver 2,build59e9, Fri Sep 29 06:42:10 EDT 2017,(relmgr)
Configured boot device: nvram
Image booted from: nvram, File name: ccsi.gz.rel7.2.4.2_build59e9
Casa RMI_BootLdr: Major 12, Minor 4 Build 11

According to your answer, I can use the regular cards in slots 5 and 8, regardless of whether the back is different from the rest.

Please confirm.


Yes, with the disclaimer,

Yes, with the disclaimer, that using slots 5 or 8 for non-redundant cards is much less tested than using them as redundant slots. Also with the disclaimer, that you are not using BDM cards, they require a different I/O card to be used as non-redundant in slots 5 and 8, 8x96,8x192, 16x4 and 16x8 cards do not. Since you are using 7.2.4 release you get the benefit of how they were tested as of 2017. Looking through the later 7.2.x release notes I don't see any bugs fixed since related to redundancy or turning it off so you should be fine.

you will also need to disable redundancy in the config

no ha redundancy

Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help


This is the output of the command: "show ha configuration"

ha redundancy revert 30

ha redundancy 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,13

ha redundancy reboot

no ha redundancy switch-fault smm-switchover

no ha redundancy switch-fault lc-switchover

no ha software auto-recovery

ha hardware qam8x96 recovery ef0000e7 self-recover e80000a7

ha hardware qam8x192 recovery ef0000e7 self-recover e80000a7

no ha service-flow-counters recover

ha application memory monitor 30

ha application failure period 30

Please confirm if with this result it is necessary apply the command "no ha redundancy" and reboot module 5 and 8

I am attentive to your comments


We use slots 5 and 8 in our

We use slots 5 and 8 in our C100G as nonredundant linecards without problems now for years.

Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help


your CMTS C100G in slots 5 and 8 is similar to the image I attached ?

my doubt is that the back cards that I use in the other slots if it works for me in 5 and 8 because they have a different shape on the back

I am attentive to your comments

The extra two connectors you

The extra two connectors you see on the mid plane in slot 5/8 are for RF redundancy, one goes to slots 0-4 the other to slots 9-13, if you were doing RF redundancy, there is a different I/O card (LC-SW) without external RF connectors that has those two connectors on the back enabling RF redundancy. If those connectors are not present on slots 5 or 8 (i.e. you don't have a LC-SW card there) they turn into regular non-redundant slots.

Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help

I have a question

I can have 7 QMA modules and 5 Upstream modules distributed as follows:

CASA-C100G#show module config
module 0: QAM8x96
module 1: QAM8x96
module 2: QAM8x96
module 3: QAM8x96
module 4: QAM8x96
module 5: QAM8x96
module 8: UPS16x8
module 9: QAM8x96
module 10: UPS16x8
module 11: UPS16x8
module 12: UPS16x8
module 13: UPS16x8

today we are going to connect modules in slot 5, 8, 9

I am attentive to the answer


Use Modules 5 and 8 of Chassis C100G - Please help


I am attentive to the answer if I can have that distribution in C100G


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