topvision CC8800C |

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topvision CC8800C

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topvision CC8800C

good day, I need an example (show running-config) of the configuration for a cmts topvision cc8800c.
in advance thanks for the support


here's a basic, if you post your email, I could send you some docs since most is done via web gui.
how do you plan to deploy this thing?

Topvision# sh run

Current configuration:
! cos vlan map configuration:
cable spectrum-group enable
! load balance configuration:
cable source verify enable
!static ip configuration:
!sav-static configuration:
rate-limit cm-ingress dhcp 5
ip address primary
ip route
!auto config cofiguration:
line vty
interface ccmts 1/1/1
system name "CMTS_WWS_TEST"
system location "Lab"
no cable upstream 1 shutdown
no cable upstream 2 shutdown
no cable upstream 3 shutdown
no cable upstream 4 shutdown
cable upstream 1 frequency 26200000 channel-width 3.2M atdma profile-type qpsk channel-mode v3.0
cable upstream 2 frequency 29500000 channel-width 3.2M atdma profile-type qam64 channel-mode v3.0
cable upstream 3 frequency 34500000 channel-width 6.4M atdma profile-type qam64 channel-mode v3.0
cable upstream 4 frequency 39400000 channel-width 3.2M atdma profile-type qam64 channel-mode v3.0
no cable downstream 1 shutdown
no cable downstream 2 shutdown
no cable downstream 3 shutdown
no cable downstream 4 shutdown
no cable downstream 5 shutdown
no cable downstream 6 shutdown
no cable downstream 7 shutdown
no cable downstream 8 shutdown
no cable downstream 9 shutdown
no cable downstream 10 shutdown
no cable downstream 11 shutdown
no cable downstream 12 shutdown
no cable downstream 13 shutdown
no cable downstream 14 shutdown
no cable downstream 15 shutdown
no cable downstream 16 shutdown
cable downstream 1 frequency 440000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 2 frequency 448000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 3 frequency 456000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 4 frequency 464000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 5 frequency 472000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 6 frequency 480000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 7 frequency 488000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 8 frequency 496000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 9 frequency 504000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 10 frequency 512000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 11 frequency 520000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 12 frequency 528000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 13 frequency 536000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 14 frequency 544000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 15 frequency 552000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 16 frequency 560000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable multicast mdf disable
interface uplink 1
!cmts multicast configuration:


good day thanks for answering, make a test and enter the similar configuration but cable modem does not ask only stays in receive I will be doing something wrong thanks

SumaVision# show running-config

Current configuration:
ip address primary
ip route
rate-limit cm-ingress dhcp 5
!static ip configuration:
cable spectrum-group enable
!ccmts multicast configuration:
! sav-static configuration:
! cable modem description configuration begin:
! cable modem description configuration end:
!auto config cofiguration:
line vty
interface ccmts 1/1/1
no cable upstream 1 shutdown
no cable upstream 2 shutdown
no cable upstream 3 shutdown
no cable upstream 4 shutdown
cable upstream 3 frequency 34500000 channel-width 6.4M atdma profile-type qam64 channel-mode v3.0
cable upstream 4 frequency 39400000 channel-width 3.2M atdma profile-type qam64 channel-mode v3.0
no cable downstream 1 shutdown
no cable downstream 2 shutdown
no cable downstream 3 shutdown
no cable downstream 4 shutdown
no cable downstream 5 shutdown
no cable downstream 6 shutdown
no cable downstream 7 shutdown
no cable downstream 8 shutdown
no cable downstream 9 shutdown
no cable downstream 10 shutdown
no cable downstream 11 shutdown
no cable downstream 12 shutdown
no cable downstream 13 shutdown
no cable downstream 14 shutdown
no cable downstream 15 shutdown
no cable downstream 16 shutdown
cable downstream 1 frequency 440000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 2 frequency 448000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 3 frequency 456000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 4 frequency 464000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 5 frequency 472000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 6 frequency 480000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 7 frequency 488000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 8 frequency 496000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 9 frequency 504000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 10 frequency 512000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 11 frequency 520000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 12 frequency 528000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 13 frequency 536000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 14 frequency 544000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 15 frequency 552000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable downstream 16 frequency 560000000 modulation qam256 annex b power-level 43.0 interleave 8
cable multicast mdf disable
optical-receiver auto-config disable
optical-receiver rf-output enable
optical-receiver rf-attenuation 0
optical-receiver agc-origin -8
interface uplink 1
interface uplink 2

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