I have a Motorola BSR 1000 EuroDocsis 1.1. with this configuration
hostname RDN
logging rate-limit auto-restart
logging rate-limit 100 1
logging buffered warnings
logging console warnings
service password-encryption
username sysadmin user-group sysadmin
username sysadmin password
ip ftp username anonymous
ip ftp password
interface ethernet 0/0
ip address
no shutdown
interface cable 0/0
ip address
ip address secondary
ip address secondary
cable helper-address cable-modem
cable helper-address host
ip access-group 111 in
no shutdown
cable downstream 0 frequency 410000000
cable downstream 0 power-level 450
cable downstream 0 rate-limit
no cable downstream 0 shutdown
cable upstream 0 frequency 35000000
no cable upstream 0 shutdown
cable upstream 1 frequency 35000000
no cable upstream 1 shutdown
cable upstream 2 frequency 35000000
no cable upstream 2 shutdown
cable upstream 3 shutdown
ip dhcp relay information option
cable flap-list trap-enable
ip route
logging on
logging trap notifications
logging facility local7
logging reporting warning syslog-localvol
logging reporting information all-set
snmp-server engineid local
snmp-server community public ro
snmp-server chassis-id Serial Number: XXX-YY-ZZZZ
snmp-server contact
snmp-server sysname Motorola BSR 1000
snmp-server enable informs
snmp-server enable traps snmp
snmp-server enable traps docsdevcmts
snmp-server location
snmp-server trap rate-limit 100 1
snmp-server trap rate-limit auto-restart
session-timeout console 0
session-timeout telnet 15
sntp server
clock timezone EEST 2 0
time-of-day server
and periodically (evry 20-30 min. sometimes more) Motorola freezes and reboots.
The graph that looks like this:
I have ~ 360 CM
Interface Total Active Registered
Modems Modems Modems
Cable 0/0/U0 144 2 140
Cable 0/0/U1 191 15 174
Cable 0/0/U2 30 0 30
Total 365 17 344
Before hangs in the log comes next:
BSR 1000R(tm):[04/05-00:15:49:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
BSR 1000R(tm):[04/05-00:15:49:CMTSMAC]<132>CMTS[DOCSIS]:<49007500>Modem Capabilities config setting invalid format.
Excluding a problem with the hardware, it can be routine? Can this be a hacker or virus attack among users?
Need more info. the config looks ok except there's no rate limit on the upstream. can you send a show ver, show log and show clock?
are you running bpi on the modems? the error you pointed out just shows your sending modems 2.0 files and that wouldn't cause the reset.
sh proc cpu, what's the ilde delta? that would help you know if it's hacker related. you have access list 111 on the cable interface, but nothing on your ethernet and that's where all your traffic goes. should take a look at that too ;-)
Hello !
BSR 1000R(tm) version 1.2.0P07.PRB
Copyright (c) 2001 by RiverDelta Networks.
Compiled Fri Aug 22 13:08:13 EDT 2003
MPC750 processor with 128MB memory.
Boot ROM: RDN CMTS Board BootRom 00.03.01.TA
Memory Size: 128 MB
Board Program ID: RD
Format Version: 9
Assembly Type : 14
Part Number : PCA-0055-03 Rev E
Serial Number : 050051721
Product Number:
Fabric Interface FPGA Version: 00000043
Hardware Acceleration: ON
System Up Time: 57 minutes 53 seconds
show log:
[04/07-15:14:41:telnet01]-N-user enabled-user authenticated
[04/07-15:14:36:telnet01]-N-connection made from on session 01
[04/07-15:12:45:CMTSMAC]-N-CM de-registration: Interface 0/0, MAC addr 0014.e87b.9d98, IP addr, PSID 345
[04/07-15:05:27:CMTSMAC]-N-CM de-registration: Interface 0/0, MAC addr 0014.e87b.9d98, IP addr, PSID 47
[04/07-14:22:20:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:22:20:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:22:10:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:22:10:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:21:50:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:21:50:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:21:44:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:21:44:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:21:26:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:21:26:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:21:15:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:21:15:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
[04/07-14:21:07:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T16 L4
[04/07-14:21:07:CMTSMAC]-N-CMCFG.P: Unknown CM capability TLV T15 L1
MON APR 07 15:17:13 2008
Timezone EEST, 2 hr 0 min offset from UTC
No BPI on the modems.
Access list, I added to prevent land attack:
access-list 111 permit ip host any
access-list 111 permit ip host any
access-list 111 permit ip host any
access-list 111 permit ip host any
access-list 111 deny ip any host
access-list 111 deny ip any host
access-list 111 deny ip any host
access-list 111 deny ip any host
access-list 111 permit ip any any
KERNEL 002.65%( 50164) 002.65%( 50164)
INTERRUPT 000.03%( 498) 000.03%( 498)
IDLE 059.03%( 1118594) 059.03%( 1118594)
TOTAL 099.78%( 1894908) 099.78%( 1894908)
This can be icmp flood or ddos?
you have very old firmware, i think that current is :, try to update, maybe helps.
Marve's right. you do have old firmware and the one he mentioned is the current release. besides the upgrade, add the rate limit on each upstream port. the whole sh proc cpu would say what task is highest. with 344 modems, you should be doing beter than 59% idle.
add your email address and one of us should be able to send you the newer code
my mail kostua_p(at)mail.ru thanks!
let me know if you got it and it fixed your problem
I have no firmware update. The reason was to flood ethernet interface CMTS
double check, sent it again and use wireshark to see what's flooding the data port. when you run a show proc cpu, what is the delta idle % and the tnetTask %
Met the description of the problem here -> http://sysadmins.ru/viewtopic.php?t=202506 with a new version of firmware
I had the same problem on our BSR1000 a couple of years ago.
The BSR rebooted witout any warning very often, every 1-3 hours.
A Motorola technican and I was troubleshooting for a couple of days before we found the problem.
The BSR was flooded by packets on port 1900 (Plug-and-Play, uPnP) from the CPEs, and rebooted after a while.
What we did was that we added another filter in the cablemodems on port 1900 to prevent the uPnP-packets reaching the network and also the BSR.
Then the problem was solved i our case :-)
The BSR has been stable since then, for 2 years now...
Hope this helps in solving your problem!
It seems that I'm having the same issue. Could anyone help me with this filter? Where is it done? I'm having it on an ARRIS 1500. Here is the entire error:
EH_event: fatal event: System error, EPC: 80116724, CR: 00000010, BadVaddr: 00000009, SR: 1000ff03
I also saw this:
freeing buffer twice 0xa0770800, caller 0x8011a494, callers caller 0x801a467c