I got some NAT-ed traffic on a 7225 D3.0 - temporarily, just waiting for migration from D2.0 and grab public addresses from there . Now it is needed to monitor traffic of those NAT-ed ip's. I tried to use 'cable monitor' on a Cable 1/0 with Giga 0/3 as an outside port but without success. Is there any trick to do that? My firmware on UBR is ubr7200p-jk9su2-mz.122-33.SCI.bin.
cable monitor incoming interface GigabitEthernet0/3 upstream 3 packet-type data ethernet /??
ip nat log translations syslog
Trap logging: level debugging, 16855 message lines logged
Logging to 10.230.x.x (udp port 514, audit disabled,
authentication disabled, encryption disabled, link up),
8487 message lines logged,
Got lotsa IPNAT info. I'll wait and see if this data volume will be possible to store :)