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consumption downstream rf

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consumption downstream rf
Image icon downstream.JPG170.56 KB


             I have a arris mta tmg-602a with disabled phone and noticed consumption in downstream rf interface even with no ethernet cable connected (see attached file). is that consumption is real? will be some error in my monitoring software?

best regards, Flavio.

same behavior with all broadcom chipset

We found the same problem from several vendors of cable modems. All have implemented latest broadcom chipset and it seems that broadcom have included counting of octets from DOCSIS 3 signaling or broadcast traffic (traffic not specific for one cable modem). We sent issue to the supports of all vendors and response (from broadcom) was normal traffic count...
Maybe your solution is to get outgoing traffic from other interfaces (WIFI/ETH...) to retrieve user download traffic.

best regards

downstream bitrate

thanks for the reply. My fear is that this birate occupies band in the downstream channel.

From what I noticed it only occurs with MTA Motorola and Arris. With MTA Cisco and cable modems it does not.

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