Inexperienced guy needing a hand with a CMTS error |

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Inexperienced guy needing a hand with a CMTS error

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Inexperienced guy needing a hand with a CMTS error
Image icon cmts error2.png732.24 KB

Hello All,

We have a very old Nortel 100 CMTS here that we use for testing some of outr products. It has been running forever so I have not had todo muc of anything to it....that is until the other day when I saw the attached screen shot with the following error:

"EH_event: fatal event: ystem Manager reports debug information: DHCP_EVT_QUITING."

I have not idea what is happening and I have not been able to find anything online in terms of manuals etc. that might lead me in the right direction. Does anyone have any ideas on what I might need to do.....that is if anything can be done.


Inexperienced guy needing a hand with a CMTS error

The CMTS labeled Nortel is a 3rd generation CMTS. It's now ARRIS CMTS. What revision albums are stored on/in it?

CMTS Error

What's the album version you have stored on the CMTS? Any idea when it was last serviced?

Hi Lee,

Hi Lee,
Thanks so much for the response. How would I go about finding the album version? And I'm not totally sure when it was last serviced, but it's a matter of years not months.

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