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eMTA Provisionning issue

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eMTA Provisionning issue

Hi everyones,

At this point, I'm about to, by my self, fired me. I guess this is my last chance to have somes answers.

I try to provision a TM-602 with a BSR-2000 using Incognito provisionning system. Please, no personal comment ;)

It what I've to play, so I will play with theses parts.

So, the CM provisionning status are ok, everyting looks like good and one the CM BOOT is complete, the Telephony LED start to flash and I see DHCP request from the eMTA send to the cable helper-address I provide. I see and LOG the offer, all looks like good BUT!!!!! no ACK!

I've turned on the LOG into the TM-602 and I see:

PK DHCP: handleResponseDiscover(): Accepting offer only from primary, retry=2

I've follow the Arris Provisionning guide, I ask to Motorola (now Arris), I've check everything and they always said that something worng with my 122.x options. They are set and OK, this is the only issue that I can see...

This is the complete LOG of the Modem
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): Sending DHCP REQUEST
PK DB: MTA IP address is
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): Received response, verifying...
PK DHCP: verifySuboption6(): retval = 8
PK DHCP: processReplyMsg(): Verify phase done, acc=0 (Perfect)
PK DHCP: handleResponseDiscover(): Accepting offer only from primary, retry=2
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): handler ignored message
PK DHCP: msgQWait(): timeout
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): pk_dhcp_msgQWait() timeout
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): no acceptable response, returning to same state
PK DHCP: waitResponseRetry(): Attempt 3, timeout 6400
PK DHCP: waitResponse(): Sending DHCP REQUEST

This is my sh run interface

The Primary Address should:

cable helper-address redirect IP address
DHCP Option 54????

Thanks for your answers


Oh and options 122.1,3,6 are

Oh and options 122.1,3,6 are set at:

122.1: IP Address of my DHCP Server
122.3: Our Internal provisionning domain
122.6: BASIC.1

its looking for option 122.1,

its looking for option 122.1, but what it is complaining about is that the ip address in 122.1 is not the ip that the dhcp offer is coming from, so it disreguards it. use a packet sniffer to see what ip the dhcp offer is coming from and put that in your option 122.1 and you should be a little further.

You could have a look at the

You could have a look at the Arris provisioning info I wrote here :

In particular it talks about what Option 122 is needed in the CM offer vs the MTA offer.

For BASIC.1, you don't put option 122.1 in the MTA offer...


Hi Folks,

Thanks for your answers. After many hours passing to troubleshoot, I finaly found/understand this:

The option 122.1 is only a stamp to validate if the informations comming and be provided by the authorized server. The reference into this is the Option 54, wich means "Option: (54) DHCP Server Identifier". The options 54 are dynamic but not the 122.1. The both have to be binary equal.

My problem came from this. My CMTS have a helper-address wich is rewrite the DHCP packet destination to my DHCP server, BUT....... when the packet return to the CMTS the SIADDR are changed to the ip address secondary mta defined into the CMTS, wich is the same the GIADDR.


Easy when found but not really an evidence to find.

Thanks for your answers


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