I have an Arris CMTS 1500 and I want to do DOCSIS 1.1 configuration files to give priority to VOIP rather than data.
I am sending the following configuration file.
With these parameters is sufficient or I need something more in order to make priorities?
NetworkAccess 1;
GlobalPrivacyEnable 0;
UsServiceFlowRef 1;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 3;
MaxRateSustained 128000;
DsServiceFlowRef 2;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 3;
MaxRateSustained 1000000;
What EMTA are you using? The most reliable & trusted are the ARRIS emtas. Here is a test config I use with them:
(see attached file)
If you are not using arris, you can remove the following:
SnmpMib = ifAdminStatus.5 down
SnmpMib = arrisCmDevHttpClientSeed.0 hexstr: (hex of string from arris's pwod tool)
SnmpMib = ppCfgMtaFeatureSwitch.0 hexstr: 02
SnmpMib = arrisMtaDevEventHideFQDNandIPAddress.0 enable
SnmpMib = docsDevFilterLLCUnmatchedAction.0 discard
SnmpMib = docsDevFilterIpDefault.0 accept
SnmpMib = arrisCmDevHttpWanAccess.0 advanced
SnmpMib = arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 gupi
as those are specific for arris emta's, otherwise you would want to modify them to fit your system.
I'm using TM-502G arris, this is DOCSIS 1.1?
It does not work the file you sent me
What provisioning method are you using? gupi mtamac, mtamacencrypted, etc?
If the arris snmp mibs weren't present in your old config, leave them out for now, those were made with 602's in mind, so they may be different for 502's.
Take the last line of the file out to disable docsis 2.
What you really need, is a support contract with Arris for your emtas - you'll get access to all the provisioning guides on their sso website, and their tech support is second to none. Its not terribly expensive either, and its worth every dime.