Help regarding the PacketCable Specifications
I tried to read the specification of the MTA provisionning document and tried to understand the use of the follwoing to these two MIBs. I was not clear weather they are required or optional.
The two MIBs in question are the pktcMtaDevCmsKerbRealmName and pktcMtaDevCmsIpsecCtrl. We are not using the secure flow.
We tried removing these two MIBs but the MTA would not initialize.
My question is as follows: can we have a workaround or a way to by pass and not include these two MIBs in the config file of the MTA; we are not using any third party between the MTA and our Network, and we are using the BASIC.1 flow.
your help is greaty appreciated.
some MTA requires it, even if you using basic flow, i think motorola for example, so you just need to have it
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