Arris CMTS 1000 (Secondary IP Addresses) |

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Arris CMTS 1000 (Secondary IP Addresses)

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Arris CMTS 1000 (Secondary IP Addresses)

I have a Arris CMTS 1000, the question is i want to specify a secondary IP Address for CM traffic and CPE traffic or even just an Additional IP Address.

Your help is greatly appreciated

It's not a router like UBR

it's actually a hub, so what do You need an address for? Never did that, address was used for snmp and telnet. Maybe You want different DHCP servers? It's under bootp in menu admin.

Thanks for the info it is

Thanks for the info it is because i am used to the multiple IP feature of the Cisco UBR Cmts's, I wanted the CMTS to use different IP when it is acting as the boot relay so i can specifiy different scope for CMs and CPEs.

Is Arris CMTS 1000 a Layer-2

Is Arris CMTS 1000 a Layer-2 CMTS?
if it's , then you need use ip helper in router or switch , or you can use linux to do router , and use isc dhcp relay.
but you will only get only one giaddr. so you need use share-network in isc dhcpd.

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