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Arris C3 and spectrum analyzer

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Arris C3 and spectrum analyzer


we have Arris C3 cmts and i want to use the Arris Spectrum Analyzer with CPE. I tried commands snmp-server community public/private ro/rw in config mode but i cant ping cmts via cpe. Please can someone help? cca a year ago i figure it out but i forget it again. Please help i am searching all day/night internet .. you guys are my last chance. Thank you

if you want to ping from

if you want to ping from cable interface add this in your c3 config

C3# conf t
C3(config)# interface Cable 1/0
C3(config)# management-access
C3(config)# exit
C3# wr

Then you should be able to talk to the cmts. With out this command the traffic goes through the cmts and its not possibile to talk to the cmts itself. So when you ping or do a smtp request you are trying to talk to the cmts.

Hope this helps

Where from can download

Where from can download Arris Spectrum Analyzer? Where are RDK get analyzer? can you send information about analyzer in email

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