Please could someone help me to configure NAT for the MTA RANGE to reach ONLY DNS (PUBLIC IP X.X.X.Y) THIS DNS is behind a router that i don't have the control.
Here is an extract of the config
ip cef
ip dhcp relay information option
ip dhcp-server X.X.X.3 // PUBLIC IP
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address X.X.X.X //PUBLIC IP
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
interface Bundle1
ip address Y.Y.232.1 secondary // PUBLIC IP FOR CPE
ip address secondary // PRIVATE IP FOR MTA
cable arp filter request-send 3 2
cable arp filter reply-accept 3 2
cable source-verify
cable dhcp-giaddr policy
cable helper-address X.X.X.X // PUBLIC IP SAME AS DHCP SERVER
ip default-gateway X.X.X.1
ip classless
ip route X.X.X.1
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
I would recommend against NAT, because when you turn NAT on it creates a lot of overhead as it inspects every packet, expect a 10-20% CPU increase just turning it on.
As an alternative you could use the built-in functionality of CISCO IOS to act as a DNS proxy, while not a perfect implementation, it will probably do the trick for your mtas.
you can enable it with these commands
ip domain-lookup
ip name-server X.X.X.Y
ip dns server
read more about this feature here
Thx for you help.
I don't have the command : ip dns server.
I apologize the CMTS IOS does not have
ip dns server
as of 12.3.23....
I did not do my homework properly.....
not only that but IOS for the CMTS does not have nat Either..... hmm
I think your best bet is to grab a $100-150 cisco 2600 series router from somewhere like cablesandkits.com and have it be your dns proxy, and yes I checked with the appropriate IOS 12.3.something recent the command exists, maybe a FastEthernet adapter too to connect it to your cmts... .
Are you sure about the fact that UBR7246 does'nt have NAT cause i have the diferrent command ip nat inside, outside etc.. ?
Is there another way to define the route of the DNS public adress and to permit the 10.10.X.X range to reach this DNS IP ? (it's for KDC request) ?