Motorola SBG9x0 availability |

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Motorola SBG9x0 availability

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Motorola SBG9x0 availability

We've had some SGB940's on backorder since April.

According to a Motorola rep:
Quote:We had two issues that delayed production on this product:

A manufacturing test failure that required a new firmware development and release (the test that failed is not a scenario that the end user would experience, but we had to resolve it for manufacturability).

We also experienced some parts shortages from suppliers, but this was secondary to the first issue.

Both issues have been resolved and the next production date is August 12th.

Has anyone else been able to find an alternate supply, or received product from this latest manufacturing batch?


Motorola SBG9x0 availability

Just found out that the SBG940's have been pushed back to late October/early November.


Motorola SBG9x0 availability

We still haven't seen them arrive, so we're going to go with the Arris WTM552's instead...


Motorola SBG9x0 availability

They have now arrived....we have several boxes.


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