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Segmentable Node

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Segmentable Node

Hi group

Once more I call for help. In recent posts, I've been asking about how to improve service. Apart of load balance, well I think that a good way to improve service is to segment optical nodes, for two reasons, one because we have two cmts and we want to put it work. And second because we need to increase the efficiency on the HFC network.

This is what we know:

-We have one optical node which is overload. That's a fact because too much home passes.
-Harmonic 3842 is the reference of our node.
-We have made some research and appears that we need to configure a new card/transmitter into that node.

Is there someone who has achieved this? Anyone who can give us support for this?

We have call to Harmonic but with no results. Any info please post or if it's interested for work on that email me to:

Thanks in advance

Don't like the load balance idea?

I thought it was good lol
I sent a friend who does head end and field work your post, Dave should email this weekend

In fact I'm working on load balance...

Hi cmcaldas

I think LB is a great idea! I'm preparing everything as you told me to make it work. As I've been working on other issues I hope to give you the results of LB this week.

But also I want to be able to segment the optical node. I think doing both approaches we increase efficiency. I've not seen the Dave's mail still.

Thanks for your post

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