I have a a motorola SB6141 modem, which is stuck in Ranged state, when I capture the modem logs from web GUI, I see that REG-RSP not received and T6 timeout and retries exceeded.
The T6 timeout is : The cable modem has sent 3 Registration Requests (REG-REQ) to the CMTS without receiving a Registration Response (REG-RSP) within the T6 timeout period (3 seconds). The cable modem is therefore resetting its cable interface and restarting the registration process
This problem can also occur if the DOCSIS configuration file is corrupt, or if it contains a large number of vendor-specific information fields (VSIF). If the configuration file contains a large amount of VSIF information, the cable modem might generate a Registration Request (REG-REQ) that exceeds the maximum size of DOCSIS MAC-layer management messages (1514 bytes plus the header). The CMTS considers this an invalid MAC-layer management message and drops it, without replying.
Can someone please let me know what changes sis required in order to get the modem operational ?
what's the range backoff, map interval setting on the upstream port? modulation profile?
post the config and modem file for review
Hi Carl,
I do not have the CMTS config with me at this point in time , but I do have config file . Attaching the file herewith
UsServiceFlowRef 1;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 6;
MaxRateSustained 2000000;
SchedulingType 2;
===Missing max traffic burst and max concatenated burst===
DsServiceFlowRef 2;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 6;
MaxRateSustained 10000000;
====Missing max traffic burst====
Thank you for the info, missing parameters could be the reason behind the Registration failure ?
probably not the reason, but without information on the cmts, it's all I have to work with. you need to post the upstream running config to move forward