On our BSR 64k we have a TX32 card ( 8 port 4 channel docsis downstream card for use with doc3.0). We had a cable interface bound to 3 channels of the tx32 port and decided we would add the forth (software problem previously prevented us doing so) So i unbind after shutting down tx32 interfaces and rebind with all 4 channels. Once everything was status up. all seemed well and our modems can take a few minutes to range so i figured all was well. Well this was not the case 50% of the modems got stuck in dhcp(o) and are only able to get back online with a hard poweroff of 1 minute.
Modems: 5100, 5101, 5120
We also have SB4200s that appear to be fine.
Any one ever experience this ?
What version of firmware are you running.
I have seen this problem once before, and I contacted Motorola. A little while later, they contacted me with a fix, new firmware for the modems.
For a 5100 it was fixed in
For a 5101 it was fixed in
I've seen the same issue and it's normally been fixed with modem FW updates.