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Arris C3 SNMP

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Arris C3 SNMP


I've done this many times on the Arris 1000 and 1500's, but do I turn on SNMP in the C3 so I can do some basic SNMP stuff? For example, I use Linus and PHP to run this code:


echo snmpget($cmtsIP,"public",$cmtsModemPrefix.$modemOID.$modemNumber);


When I try the above I get:

Warning: snmpget() [function.snmpget]: Error in packet: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.

Like I said, it works on the 1000's and 1500's, I just need to know how to turn on SNMP for the C3.



I figured this was a simple one.

This may help

$cmtsModemPrefix = "";
$modemOID = "9.";
$modemNumber = 1;

Let me simplify...

If I run this command on a Linux box attached to my ARRIS CMTS 1000:

snmpget -v 2c -c public .

I get:

SNMPv2-SMI::transmission. = Hex-STRING: 00 19 7E 5B F4 E8

Cool. All is well.

If I run this command on a Linux box that is attached to my Arris C3:

snmpget -v 2c -c public . (Same command as above)

I get:

SNMPv2-SMI::transmission. = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID

Please tell me what simple thing I'm missing. Do I need an MIB for the C3? If so, does anyone have it? I'm going crazy here. Please put me out of my misery.


your response via snmp is

your response via snmp is saying there is no object in that table with the Index of 1

the last number in the oid you are trying to receive is the Index of that table, i.e. I want row 1 in this table, it is telling you there is no entry for row 1.

try walking you will probably find that your newer cmts does not start indexing at 1 more likely 1000 or more....

Cisco CMTSes start indexes at 5000 or so.



Thanks to the response. I walk it and I get:

Hex-STRING: 00 15 CF 1E 6D A2
Hex-STRING: 00 15 CF 1E 73 42
Hex-STRING: 00 15 CF 1E 71 AA
Hex-STRING: 00 15 CF 1E 6D E1
Hex-STRING: 00 15 CF 1E 73 36

I think you're right. I need those indexes. How to I get those so I can get more info from the modems?


What info do you have? Mac

What info do you have? Mac Address of modem?

asuuming you have the mac address and you want the Index or pointer of the modem you need to query the following oid

you need to append the mac address converted to decimal at the end

for example to query for the index/ptr for a modem with a mac address of 00 15 CF 1E 6D A2

you would query the following oid

the is the mac address with each octet converted to decimal

that should give you the index/ptr of the modem which you can use to get more info.

assuming an input mac in format 00112233aabb the following code in php will generate the appropriate string

$formattedMac = split("_", ereg_replace("_$", "", chunk_split($macAddress, 2, "_")));
$formattedMac2 = array_map("hexdec", $formattedMac);
$formattedMac = join (".", $formattedMac2);

Very strange

Thanks for your help. It seems that the index starts at 95. That is a weird place to start.


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