So long story short, cable modem provisioning and CMTS management was dropped in my lap with no training or documentation.
I am currently trying to get new firmware out to our 860/862s (the 862s are more important as we need the SIP firmware). However the majority of the time it fails as it comes back saying it can't find the TFTP server, but it finds it to download the config file, and the modem itself reports the correct update server. We currently use the Linux Docsis config generator and I have been trying to decipher what all the options are in our config files. Basically I am just wondering if anyone sees anything that may be wrong in the config file.
I did sanitize the file to remove some password/snmp related data.
NetworkAccess 1;
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.1 Integer 1; /* 1 up, 2 down */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.5 Integer 2 ; /* 1 up, 2 down */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 9 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 3 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevSwAdminStatus.0 Integer 2 ; /* allowProvisioningUpgrade */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 2 ; /* allowProvisioningUpgrade (DOC3.0) */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 255 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIp.1 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIpMask.1 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessCommunity.1 String "public" ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessControl.1 Integer 4; /* roWithTraps */
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessInterfaces.1 String "@" ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessStatus.1 Integer 4; /* createAndGo */
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIp.2 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIpMask.2 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessCommunity.2 String "" ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessControl.2 Integer 3; /* readWrite */
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessStatus.2 Integer 4; /* createAndGo */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "start=3/8/7/02;end=11/1/7/02" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "start=3/8/7/02;end=11/1/7/02" ;
/* Docsis 2.0 */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 2 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM602G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS060456_112115_NA.MODEL_6.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM608G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS060456_112115_NA.MODEL_6_ML.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM604G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS060456_112115_NA.MODEL_6.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
/*Docsis 3.0 */
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM722G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_7_8.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM804G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_7_8.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "CM820A" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.WBM760_CM820.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TM822G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_7_8.SIP.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "DG860A" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_860.GW.MONO.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "DG860P2" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_860.GW.MONO.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "DG860G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.MODEL_860.GW.MONO.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TG862G" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS090199D_082015_NA.862.GW.SIP.MONO.img" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "DG1660A" ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. Integer 1 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. HexString 0xC766D003 ;
SnmpMibObject enterprises.4115. String "TS0801102P_100714_NA.16XX.GW.ATOM.SIP.img" ;
DocsisTwoEnable 1;
MaxCPE 3;
UsServiceFlowRef 1;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 1;
MaxRateSustained 5000000;
SchedulingType 2;
RequestOrTxPolicy 0x0000008a;
MaxConcatenatedBurst 6000;
MaxTrafficBurst 6000;
DsServiceFlowRef 101;
QosParamSetType 7;
TrafficPriority 1;
MaxRateSustained 25000000;
/* Pad */
And this is what the CM event log reports.
12/10/2015 8:24 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=00:1d:d1:b6:35:f2;CMTS-MAC=00:17:10:07:fb:10;CM- QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
12/10/2015 8:25 82000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=00:1d:d1:b6:35:f2;CMTS-MAC=00:17:10:07:fb:10;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
12/10/2015 8:26 73040100 6 TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=00:1d:d1:b6:35:f2;CMTS-MAC=00:17:10:07:fb:10;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
12/10/2015 8:26 69010100 6 SW Download INIT - Via NMS
12/10/2015 8:26 69010500 4 SW upgrade Failed before download - File not Present
12/10/2015 8:26 69010600 4 SW upgrade Failed before download -TFTP Max Retry Exceeded
12/10/2015 8:26 2417164297 4 Touchstone SW Upgrade Failed: Manual upgrade;CM-MAC=00:1d:d1:b6:35:f2;CMTS-MAC=00:17:10:07:fb:10;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you upload the file into the appropriate directory on the tftp server? I've done that before where I logged in, uploaded the file, and forgot to change into the right folder on the server first and then scratched my head for a while on what went wrong...
Yes, I can actually tail the syslog and see it request the file, and the file being served, but then it fails out. And on the few that do update it literally takes 10+ minutes to upgrade.
I notice your have ip subnets assigned as, is that just for posting or is that what you actually have in your config?
Like I said I inherited this config and this is how the person before me had it configured it, but whenever I asked him about it he said it is fine. We have a little further down our tftp server address
try correcting the subnet mask in the config, cause I guarantee its not, everything else looks ok at a glance
That seems to have fixed it, weird it worked before he left. And now it is much faster than it was in the past.
That seems to have fixed it, weird it worked before he left. And now it is much faster than it was in the past.
Try to go for either for 7.5 software or go for a newer 9.1, the one you have is VERY buggy.
I do have the TS0705125E_111615 downloaded I will change to this. I was just hoping a firmware upgrade may help the 860/862s actually be worth deploying, not very impressed with them.
TG862 is a wonderful device, any problems you might have might be related to configuration. CM802 is also a cheap beast, both of them deployed by big operators with milion.
Let us know if you have any issues.
Do a full reset, with the hardware button when coming back from 9.1 to 7.5. There are some known issues with flash.
Makes you wonder if they were really getting any firmware updates done prior....
The 860/862 platform is an "older" platform now, the 16xx/24xx/32xx series get all the attention first now, with regards to the firmware updates, the latest 9.x firmware does fix a lot of problems for them and there is a persistent bug with firmware updates, that if it fails, the router in them just dies, and you have to redownload the firmware again. They also have limitations on wireless performance on higher speed packages (50+mbs). We've been trialing the 16xx and 24xx series modems, and have been liking what we're seeing, we're now phasing out the 860 platform in favor of the 16xx/24xx series. The newer modems have dual-band or AC routers in them anyway, which helps when in a congested 2.4 wireless area.
I do not think it is fair to compare TG862 with TG2492. It is a complete new device. A whole new price.
9.1 come together with the new device as ARRIS wanted to have an unified software for two different devices. First versions of 9.1 were a bit buggy, it is not easy to make many changes in code without bringing bugs.
Regarding the wireless speed, I am still interested to see a non AC model with more than 50MBps speed stable, in a noisy environment, similar to a typical in-house environment.
If you want 802.11AC, 24/32 bonded channels, then go with TG2492, otherwise, TG862 is a wonderful device will stay on the market for a while. Both are based on a stable Intel chipset which is known to be very stable in the long run. There are still deployments of D2.0 in many networks so I do not expect TG862 will be soon phased out.