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How phy command work

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How phy command work

Hello everyone.

I am a bit confused with one problem:
i have a arris c4 cmts. Many different modems are conectet to this cmts.
When i run command show cable modem phy, that displays phy layer informat information,
all phy information is displayed.
This command worked correctly until i connected new modem(FritzBoz 6320). Exactly on this
modem phy command not work. The result is all zero.
Phy information is writed in cmts memory or phy is some sort of query to modem.
How this comand works, someone knows?
I have no idea why exactly on this modem(fritzBox) phy doesnt display information


The CMTS usually polls the modems via SNMP to retrieve this data; you should double check to make sure you can still ping and poll those modems, e.g. make sure there's not an access list preventing it. The only thing that's collected locally is the receive level at the CMTS; all other modem levels (tx, rx, snr) are via SNMP via remote query.


I can access signal characteristics via snmpwalk with same community

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