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Possible DSG issue?

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Possible DSG issue?

Hi Guys! I'm new here.

I could use some assistance troubleshooting a possible DSG problem on Arris E6000.
My STB seem to not be in two way mode. The CM portion of the STB register fine, they get IP addresses, and I can ping the addresses across the network. But they are not getting guide data, and their time is showing wrong. The DSG counts in the CMTS are not incrementing at all. But the DSG configuration seems to be fine. Right now it is running in DSG 2.0. The STB in question are MotoDCX3600.

One question I have... is this acceptable for a chassis with DSG running?

# show cable dsg ds-frequency-list
List Channel Downstream
Index Index Frequency (Hz)
----------- ---------- --------------

Here is the output of my show cable dsg verbose. Admittedly I'm new to working with DSG so I am not sure if what I am seeing here has something that leaps out as being problematic.

# show cable dsg verbose
Vendor Timer DS Client
DS Param List Freq DCD Tunnel ID
Port Index Index List Enabled Group Tunnel List Classifier
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------------
11/*/* - 1 - true - - - -
12/*/* - 1 - true 30 30001 12 30001
12/*/* - 1 - true 30 30007 11 30007
12/*/* - 1 - true 30 30101 13 30101
12/*/* - 1 - true 30 30107 16 30107

Classifier Information:
Tunnel Class Prior- Source Destination Destination Enable
Index Index ity Network IP Address Port Range in DCD
----------- ------- ------- ------------------- --------------- ----------- ------
30001 30001 1 on
30007 30007 1 on
30101 30101 0 on
30107 30107 1 on

Client-id-list Information:
Client Vendor
ID Param Client Client
List Index Index Type Value
----------- ---------- ----------- --------------- --------------
11 1 - ca-system-id 0x700
12 1 - ca-system-id 0x701
13 1 - broadcast 2
16 1 - application-id 2

Ds-frequency-list Information:
List Channel Downstream
Index Index Frequency (Hz)
----------- ---------- --------------

Timer-list Information:
Timer Init Oper 2-way 1-way
List (tdsg1) (tdsg2) (tdsg3) (tdsg4)
----------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 2 30 1 35

Tunnel Information:
Tunnel Group Client Tunnel Service
Index Index ID List MAC Address Class Name
---------- ----------- ----------- -------------- -------------------------
30001 30 12 0100.5ec1.3201
30007 30 11 0100.5ec1.3202
30101 30 13 0100.5ec1.3245
30107 30 16 0100.5ec1.3259

Tunnel Group Information:
Tunnel Ds Vendor Rule Cable
Group Port Param Idx Pri -Mac
----------- --------- ----------- ---- -----
30 12/0/0 - 0 1
30 12/1/0 - 0 2
30 12/2/0 - 0 3
30 12/3/0 - 0 4

Vsp-list Information:
Index Idx OUI Value
----------- ---------- -------- --------------------------------------------------

Mac mcast-fwd-by-dsid DSG Mode
----- ----------------- ----------
1 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
2 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
3 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
4 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
5 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
6 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
7 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
8 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
9 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
10 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
11 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
12 Enabled DOCSIS 2.0
13 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
14 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
15 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0
16 Disabled DOCSIS 2.0

Sorry if I haven't provided enough info here. I'm just learning my way around video and DSG

well.. we got it sorted.

well.. we got it sorted. thanks anyways guys!!

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