Arris Cadant C3 - cm stuck init(o) |

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Arris Cadant C3 - cm stuck init(o)

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Arris Cadant C3 - cm stuck init(o)

Anyone, I need help , I'm trying to setup c3 arris but modem always get stuck init(o) , I found log : No Ranging Requests received from POLLED CM (CMTS generated polls). , and there is no log that modem has request tftp docsis file. cable modem has get ip modem and I can ping.
I have searching any solution from any forum but no luck. any solutions ?

Motorola SB5101i
Ranging/Registration : init(o) - modem ready to download config file

this is my dhcpd.conf (it works for cisco ubr7200)

ddns-update-style none;
option time-servers;
log-facility local7;
default-lease-time 604800;
max-lease-time 777600;
allow booting;
allow bootp;
option log-servers;
Shared-network hfcnet {

subnet netmask {
option routers;
group {filename "configfile.bin"; host cm- {hardware ethernet 00:1e:46:bf:28:92; fixed-address;}}

this is arris c3 config :

interface FastEthernet 0/0
description "Interface FastEthernet 0/0"
no shutdown
! mac-address 0013.11e9.be94
duplex auto
snmp trap link-status
load-interval 300
bridge-group 1
ip address
ip directed-broadcast
no ip source-verify
no ip source-verify subif
no ip l2-bg-to-bg-routing
ip verify-ip-address-filter

interface Cable 1/0
cable utilization-interval 10
cable docsis10 max-traffic-burst 3044
cable insertion-interval automatic
cable sync-interval 10
cable ucd-interval 2000
cable max-ranging-attempts 16
cable sid-verify
no cable downstream rate-limit
cable flap-list size 500
cable flap-list aging 259200
cable flap-list miss-threshold 6
cable flap-list insertion-time 180
no cable max-qos-active-timeout
cable downstream admission-control 100
no cable downstream admission-limit
no description
no shutdown
! mac-address 0013.11e9.be96
load-interval 300
snmp trap link-status
bridge-group 1
ip address
no tftp-server-access
cable source-verify
no arp-broadcast-echo
no l2-broadcast-echo
no ip-broadcast-echo
no l2-broadcast-throttle
no downstream-dhcp-server-allowed
throttle-credits initial 15 running 2
ip igmp disable
ip dhcp relay
ip dhcp relay information option
ip dhcp relay validate renew
ip dhcp relay non-broadcast
ip dhcp relay non-broadcast information option
cable helper-address cable-modem
cable helper-address host
cable dhcp-giaddr primary
cable downstream mac-mode docsis
cable downstream channel-width 6mhz
cable downstream frequency 651000000
cable downstream interleave-depth 32
cable downstream modulation 256qam
cable downstream power-level 45
cable privacy accept-self-signed-certificate
cable privacy check-cert-validity-periods
cable privacy kek life-time 604800
cable privacy tek life-time 43200
no cable shared-secret

no cable upstream 0 description
cable upstream 0 shutdown
cable upstream 0 snmp trap link-status
cable upstream 0 mac-mode docsis

cable upstream 0 frequency 35000000
cable upstream 0 channel-width 3200000
cable upstream 0 power-level -8 fixed
cable upstream 0 low-power-offset -10
cable upstream 0 high-power-offset 10
cable upstream 0 group-id 1
cable upstream 0 plant-length 160
cable upstream 0 initial-ranging-delay 300
cable upstream 0 periodic-maintenance-interval 1000
cable upstream 0 short-periodic-maintenance-interval 100
cable upstream 0 minimum-unfrag-burst 600
cable upstream 0 admission-control 100
cable upstream 0 dominant-interval default
no cable upstream 0 admission-limit
cable upstream 0 voice-timeout 1
no cable upstream 0.0 description
cable upstream 0.0 shutdown
no cable upstream 0.0 snmp trap link-status
cable upstream 0.0 channel-type TDMA&ATDMA
cable upstream 0.0 modulation-profile 4
no cable upstream 0.0 pre-equalization
cable upstream 0.0 minislot-size 4
cable upstream 0.0 trigger-index 0
cable upstream 0.0 snr-timeconstant 4
cable upstream 0.0 mer-timeconstant 8
cable upstream 0.0 rng-prm-guard 1
cable upstream 0.0 nrng-prm-guard 2
no cable upstream 0.0 ingress-cancellation
no cable upstream 0.0 impulse-mitigation
cable upstream 0.0 safe-config
cable upstream 0.0 extended-frequency-detect all-ranging
cable upstream 0.0 concatenation
cable upstream 0.0 fragmentation
cable upstream 0.0 data-backoff automatic
cable upstream 0.0 range-backoff automatic
cable upstream 0.0 contention-opp-latency 10000
cable upstream 0.0 contention-opps-with-data required
cable upstream 0.0 rate-limit
cable upstream 0.0 status activate
no cable upstream 0.1 description

and for other line config is just default