New to this site, stumbled across it while trying to find some answers to a noise issue in my plant. Currently seeing a distinct "hump" of noise around 28 - 34mhz. Roughly 3-5db high. This is nearly all of our return spectrums in all nodes. I verified its not coming from the headend and can track it down to certain legs/actives. Been replacing actives, connectors, housing, ground...still no solution. Running all motorola actives, both le and mb. If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will get some for you. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
You might want to post this on, there are alot of plant maintenance folks there, whereas this is really more docsis/cmts/provisioning centric here.
I'll post this over there. Thanks for the advice.
Is it affecting the MER on your modems? To Add a picture, Reply and at the bottom there is a add a file. What Freq does your return(s) run on?