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Create passwords for VxWorks under Linux

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Create passwords for VxWorks under Linux

does anyone know how I do create a password for VxWorks under linux?
I think vxencrypt uses unix crypt...

blue1234 -->> cSRScddQdR

I've tried

htpasswd -nd blue1234
openssl passwd -crypt blue1234


maybe they use a salt...


i am not an C guru, but it's works.
this program generate passwords for the Motorola CM Telnet Access.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int i;
unsigned int pwint = 0;
unsigned int magic = 31695317;
char decoded[40];
char encoded[10];

strcpy(decoded, argv[1]);

if (strlen(decoded) < 8 || strlen(decoded) > 40)
printf ("password must be 8-40 characters.\n");
return 1;

for (i = 0; i < strlen(decoded); i++)
pwint += (decoded[i]) * (i) ^ (i);

sprintf (encoded, "%u", (pwint * magic));

for (i = 0; i < strlen(encoded); i++)
if (encoded[i] < '3')
encoded[i] = encoded[i] + '!';
if (encoded[i] < '7')
encoded[i] = encoded[i] + '/';
if (encoded[i] < '9')
encoded[i] = encoded[i] + 'B';

printf ("%s\n", encoded);

return 0;

Insecure and that listed function is corrupt.

the listed program fails:
Take a String e.g. "blue123" and "glue123" - the first character does not change the hash!
You should exchange the line:
wint += (decoded[i]) * (i) ^ (i);
wint += decoded[i] * (i+1)^(i+1);

to get the origin algorithm of vxworks!

By the way, this vxworks hash is insecure and you'll find several collisions, it's easy to find passwords with known hash. Please use any other actual hash algorithmn - do not use vxworks' hashs any more!
Thomas Kuschel

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