Arris Mibs |

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Arris Mibs

Looking for Arris mibs (which ones I dont know) that contain the following OID's

ArriscpeIpOid .
ArrismodemIpOid .
ArrispeiOid .
ArrismtaMacOid .
ArrispeiSearchStr PacketCable Embedded Interface
ArrismtaOidSuffix . belongs to Cadant not Arris I believe Arris bought them out but all of the current Arris devices use the Arris IANA number which is is part of IF-MIB this is a generic mib used by alomost all routers and network devices is part of the IP-MIB another generic mib

What device are you looking for mibs for

The "names" actually came from a customer and since they started out arris*** I assumed that these were actually arris mibs. As you caught and pointed out the OID for some of these are generic which I already have. So does anybody out here have the old Cadant mibs that contain the OID's mentioned?


These are certainly CMTS mibs. The customers OSS Tools use these OID's and I need the Cadant mibs to find or develope comparable functionality. To do this I need to find the full mib descriptions for the information they contain.


There is not much info I can find on these may want to call Arris

there was a post earlier about it though looks like it is snr?

I would imagine the & may be the index of the particular interface you are looking at. At any rate the author of that post probably can get you the information you desire.